Why Your Small Business Needs Stunning Website?

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Branding Tips, Website Tips

Years ago having a website for your business was considered a luxury. Down the road the Internet grew bigger and more popular and business websites were “nice thing to have”.

In nowadays, however, having a website for your business is a necessity and in today’s post we are about to give you 10 reasons why. So keep reading…

People Search Online for Websites

A recent research shows that around 88% of consumers look into the world wide web, before making a purchase. This includes both online and in-store purchases. So even if you are “brick – to – mortar” type of business, chances are people will look up for you before they are spending their hard earned money on your products or services.

We are also speaking from experience, as we always do an online search before buying something or even visiting a new restaurant. If the business doesn’t have a website, we just move to the next one. Most people are doing exactly the same, which lead us to our next point…

Your Competitor Has Website

If you don’t have a website and your competitor has one, guess where all those potential customers are going… Yes, that’s right! Flying out of the window *pun intended*!

Another research shows (we just love researches for making a point) that in USA alone, around 46% of the small business still don’t have a website. This is a huge opportunity to tap on and a great reason to start planning your very own website launch right away. Or you can wait until we give you some more reasons to do so…

Your Target Audience is Online

There are more than 4,050 billion users of the Internet at this very moment, so chances are your ideal clients are also online. The predictions are that by year 2020 there will be over 5 billion users of the Internet, which is around 75% of the entire world population. You really don’t want to miss on that opportunity to connect with your target audience, do you?

It’s Your Best Employee – 24/7

Your website is available 24/7, no holidays, no questions asked – it’s always there for you. If done correctly your website will  be “spreading” the word for you, making you money and growing your business all while you are sleeping. There is no employee that can really beat that, right?

Globalization Is a Thing

Although we love, appreciate and encourage buying local and supporting our community, we can’t argue that… Globalization is a thing and the world is getting smaller! The Internet gives you the opportunity to grow your small business on a global scale and to sell your products and services world wide. Having your own website is literally your gateway to the world.


You Don’t Own Social Media

Now, before you say that you don’t really need a website to reach a global scale as there is a thing called Social Media, let us stop you right there.

Social Media is great for connecting with your target audience and growing your tribe, but you can’t build your business exclusively on it. It’s like building your house on someone else’s property – you don’t own social media. In any given time they might change their policy, lock your account or even disappear over night and you can’t  do anything about it.

That’s why it’s so important to have your own website and start growing your newsletter, as those are the only two things that you actually own online.

Time Is Money

Being small business owners and entrepreneurs ourselves we know that there is nothing that you can appreciate more than having some extra time on your hand. This invaluable resource is what we all crave for and yet, what we so recklessly waste. Well, your website is coming to the rescue by saving you tons of time.

Whether by providing information of your product/service and your prices, or frequently asked questions that you have to answer again and again… your website is there for you, having your back.

Showcase Your Expertise

Having a business website is a great way to showcase your work and your expertise. Plus it gives you credibility and shows that you are invested in your business.

Depending on what works best for your industry you can portrait yourself as an expert through photos, videos, case studies and of course our favorite – blogging. In fact, that’s what we are doing right now with this post. Did we get you convinced?

Brand Aesthetics Is ALSO a Thing

If you are millennial then you probably hear the words “brand” and “aesthetic” on a daily basis, especially on Instagram. We have to report that brand aesthetic is a thing and it’s not going anywhere any time soon, so you might as well just jump on the wagon.

Having your own website will help you elevate your brand experience. It also gives you greater ability to manage your online presence and of course – your brand aesthetic. We told you it’s a thing!

Track Those Stats Like a Pro

Last but not least, having your own website will give you the ability to track and analyze your marketing and business efforts. Also it will help you tremendously to get a better understanding of your target group, their wants and needs; what they like and dislike about your business, how they interact with your brand and so much more.

We recommend you, using Google Analytics as it gives very detailed picture on how people are experiencing your brand and your website.


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