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6 Unexpected Reasons Why You Need an Email List for Your Online Business

by | Apr 28, 2020 | Grow Your Business, Website Tips

Hey there, Change Maker! If you are reading this post then you probably consider to start building your email list for your business or blog. And this is great, because one of the big mistakes people often make when they launch their website is to completely ignore building their email list.

Email marketing is very much alive and thriving and today we want to share with you how important and beneficial it is for the growth of your business or blog.

You Own Your Email List

As we discussed in one of our previous blog posts here, your website and your email list are the only things you actually own online. Social media presence is necessary and it is a great way to connect with your audience, but we don’t advise you to focus all your efforts and energy there while ignoring your email list. Why? Simply because you don’t own social media and no matter how big your following is, it can literally disappear over night. Your account could get deleted, the algorithm can change and the popularity of the medium can decrease.

You Can Reach More People

The organic reach in Facebook and Instagram is dropping by the minute and it is getting more and more difficult to build decent following without spending tons of money on ads.
Meanwhile, the average open rate of emails is between 20% and 30% and the average open rate of Welcome Emails is 82% (GetResponse, 2017). To give you a perspective the average engagement rate for a post in Instagram is 1,60% across all industries for 2019.

We are not suggesting to completely ignore social media, just to show you some of the opportunities you might be missing.

You Have Highly Targeted Audience

You are not only reaching more people with email marketing. You are also reaching highly targeted audience that already knows about you and took the time and effort to subscribe to your email list. Even if you have just 10 people in your list, those are people who are genuinely interested in you, in your business and in what you have to offer, otherwise they wouldn’t subscribe to you.




More Bank For Your Buck

Whether you invest time or money into your business, it is natural to want a good return of your investment (ROI). Well, for every dollar you spend in email marketing you can expect a return of 42$ (DMA, 2019). No wonder why 59% of marketers say that email is their biggest source of ROI. In addition, email marketing has 3 times higher conversion rate compared to social media. One more reason for you to start collecting those emails right away.

Has That Personal Touch

Maybe it’s a reminiscent of the days when snail mail was a thing, but for some reason emails feel more special and personal than social media. There is just a different vibe when you receive a meaningful email, that social media can’t beat. This allows you to create a deeper sense of community with the people in your list. Sharing exclusive offers, coupon codes, freebies that are available only for your list, asking people for their opinion on your new program and sharing more about yourself are few of the ways you can nurture your relationship with your subscribers.

You Can Automate Your Marketing

You’ve probably heard about entrepreneurs who are bragging about making money while they sleep. Well, one of the ways to do that is through email marketing and growing your list on autopilot.

People are more likely to buy from you when they know you and they trust you. You can build that trust by continuously providing them with valuable content and solutions to their problems. You can create an irresistible lead magnet and share it for free on your website. From there you can set an automated sequence of emails where you can share more about yourself, provide value over time and at some point share about your products and services. Your offer will be a natural continuation of the relationship you’ve already build with your audience, instead of being seen as an instant cash grab.


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